Your Basket (10 items)

All prices are inclusive of VAT

Your Basket (10 items)

All prices are inclusive of VAT

Price / Unit Quantity Subtotal
Cinco Jotas Media caña de Presa pata negra (shoulder cut of acorn-fed pig) 100% Ibérico, half piece 400 gr
Cinco Jotas
Net weight per unit: Approx. 400 gr
Gross weight per unit: 0.5 kg
Usually ships within 48 hours
Max 2
Usually ships within 48 hours
Crisol Spicy Sobrasada of Mallorca, traditional IGP, mini piece 160 gr
Net weight per unit: 160 gr
Gross weight per unit: 0.21 kg
Usually ships within 24 hours

Note: This item requires Express / Next day shipping to keep the cold chain that preserves the good's best condition.

Max 3
Usually ships within 24 hours

Note: This item requires Express / Next day shipping to keep the cold chain that preserves the good's best condition.

Sánchez Romero Carvajal Hand-carved acorn-fed 100% Ibérico shoulder ham (Paleta) Pata Negra - Jabugo, 70 gr
Sánchez Romero Carvajal
Net weight per unit: 70 g
Gross weight per unit: 0.117 kg
Usually ships within 24 hours

Note: This item requires Express / Next day shipping to keep the cold chain that preserves the good's best condition.

Max 6
Usually ships within 24 hours

Note: This item requires Express / Next day shipping to keep the cold chain that preserves the good's best condition.

COVAP Alta Expresión Acorn-fed 100% Ibérico ham (Jamón), Black label - Pata Negra, DOP Los Pedroches, from Andalusia, full-leg approx. 6.5 kg
COVAP Alta Expresión
Net weight per unit: 6 - 7 kg
Gross weight per unit: 7 kg
Usually ships within 24 hours
Max 1
Usually ships within 24 hours
Mayoral (La Pirenaica) Lomo cabecero al pimentón (cured head neck loin with paprika), from Huesca, piece Approx. 1 kg
Mayoral (La Pirenaica)
Net weight per unit: Approx. 1 kg
Gross weight per unit: 1.25 kg
Usually ships within 24 hours
Max 2
Usually ships within 24 hours
Garcia Baquero semi-cured half wheel M
García Baquero
Net weight per unit: Approx. 1,67 kg
Gross weight per unit: 1.69 kg
Usually ships within 24 hours

Note: This item requires Express / Next day shipping to keep the cold chain that preserves the good's best condition.

Max 2
Usually ships within 24 hours

Note: This item requires Express / Next day shipping to keep the cold chain that preserves the good's best condition.

Reglero Nevaditos - Bollitos Hojaldrados (Puff pastry covered in powdered sugar), from La Rioja, box 500g main
Net weight per unit: 500 g
Gross weight per unit: 0.63 kg
Usually ships within 24 hours
Max 3
Usually ships within 24 hours