Republic of Ireland Delivery Options & Charges
Last update: January 2025
We do our best to ship all orders within 24 hours from the time of purchase. All orders are shipped from our warehouse in Barcelona. However, the actual shipment may take longer if the placement was done on a weekend day (or Friday after 11:00 am), or on a public holiday, or the order contains at least one product that requires either 48 hours (in working days) or up to 4 working days to be ready.
We offer both Express delivery (air transportation), which usually delivers within 24 hours in transit to Dublin and major cities (and about 36 hours in transit to the rest of areas and towns in Ireland), and also Standard delivery (road transportation), which usually takes 3-5 business days in transit since the goods leave our warehouse (Dublin usually 3 business days). See all our shipping rates at the bottom of this page.
We offer free shipping and partial 25%, 50%, and 75% discounts on delivery rates depending on the value of goods ordered. See tables below for billed delivery rates after volume discounts.
Deliveries are only available on working days Monday through Friday.
DHL Express Upgrade
For Express shipments, as a general rule our shipping prices are based on FedEx Express charges. FedEx delivers within 24 hours to Dublin and usually to other major cities in Ireland, and in about 36 hours to the rest of the areas of Ireland. For those who live outside Dublin or other major cities, or just prefer a delivery done by DHL, they could still usually receive the goods within 24 hours by adding to their purchase a DHL Express upgrade. DHL has a larger presence in Ireland than FedEx and usually covers faster the lesser populated areas of Ireland (although the most remote and least populated areas may also take 36 hours in transit). Using DHL Express has an additional charge of 8.50 € per each 5 kg or part of.
Direct link to the upgrade here:
Options to receive your order at your residence, office, or in a nearby Service Center of our International courier partner
As default, you should select your preferred residence/place of work as the Delivery Address. However, after your order is collected by our International courier partner, you will receive a message from them giving you the option, if you prefer, to collect your package at one of the Courier Service Centers near you at your most convenient time, without having to wait for the delivery.
Due to current restrictions, each individual order is capped at 30 kg for now. If more than 30 kg is needed, please contact us.
Perishable products that require cold chain storage and handling, such as some more delicate cheeses and seafood preserves all year round, and all cheeses and some charcuterie products during summer months, are only offered under 24 / Next day shipping. Each individual product page will highlight this restriction if applies to that particular product.
Extra charges for whole ham legs under Express delivery
Whole ham legs (jamón) and shoulder hams legs (paleta) have an extra delivery charge of 29.50€ for each leg ONLY under Express 24h / next day delivery. Standard delivery has no additional charges.
When will my order ship?
All orders placed before 11 AM (Ireland time) will ship the same day unless the client prefers a programmed later date for delivery. Otherwise, will ship the following business day (Monday through Friday).
For orders with products sensitive to temperature changes that require cold chain conditions, mainly cheeses and some seafood preserves all year round, and also some charcuterie and ham products during summer months, orders arriving after Thursday 11 AM (Ireland time) could only be shipped the following Monday since otherwise will spend the weekend in transit in the shipping company logistics center.
Programmed specific delivery date is only available with our 24h/Next day service on working days Monday through Friday. Standard delivery by a specified date is not guaranteed.
Shipping and tracking information will be sent out via email once your order has been dispatched from our facility.
Once your order has shipped out of our facility it is now in the carrier’s hands. Please keep a close eye on tracking and plan accordingly.
Please make sure to enter the correct shipping address as our product is perishable! Feel free to email us at [email protected] for any special shipping requests!
This period is a special case in which all courier companies are overwhelmed with workload and suffer from: (first) a triple or quadruple number of packages to handle and deliver and (second) several major public holidays that interrupt and slow down deliveries (especially after December 24 and until January 6). Even though this may be very frustrating for some deliveries, that is how it is for now. Too much to handle in a period full of big public holidays. Standard shipments may easily arrive 1 or 2 working days later than usual in your area, and Express shipments one working day later than usual. These delays won’t affect all shipments, but it is clearly more likely to happen during the Holiday Season period. What to do on those dates? Order earlier than usual providing more buffer time, or if not possible, use Express delivery instead as much as possible, which is less affected than Standard delivery during those dates.
Delivery Charges to Ireland
Our shipping rates are meant to just compensate for incurred costs and do not have any surplus added. In fact, the opposite is true since most orders will enjoy partial or full shipping cost discounts proportional to the value of goods purchased.